7.3 | Rubrics



Your teacher might give you a rubric for your assignment. A rubric is basically a list of what they're looking for in your work. They might use it to grade your stuff or just to help you out.


Viewing a Rubric from the Grades Index Page

If your teacher used a rubric for grading, you will see the rubric icon to the right of the assignment.

animation of the process outlined below


  1. Click on the Grades link in the course navigation. 
  2. Then, click on the rubric icon to reveal the assignment rubric.


Viewing the Rubric on the Submission Details Page

animation of the process outlined below


  1. Click on an assignment name from anywhere in the course.
  2. Click on Submission Details.
  3. Click on Show Rubric.
  4. To close the rubric, click the "x" button. 

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